Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Final Thought

The time that I spent in Taiwan has been the most fruitful and rewarding experiences that I have ever undertaken. I have not had the opportunity to travel and experience other cultures and after spending my time there, it has made me even more excited to travel in life.

After returning home I have had emptiness feeling that has stayed with me. Taiwan has so much to offer and the friendships and bonds that were forged are important to me and are a major source of my “Taiwan withdrawals’”.

Professor Peng and his staff spent a tremendous amount of time and effort preplanning and re-planning this trip to ensure that it was a success. This trip was not only a success, it was an absolute smash. I feel my life is much richer having been apart of this lucky group. I would recommend this program to any student who has any aspirations to learn and grow as a student and a person.

Meining Workshop

Meining workshop is the birthplace of the Barbie legacy. Barbie Dolls entered the homes of more than 100 million girls worldwide throughout its long history.

In their town, the people have done a marvelous job of transforming its identity from being a dependent Mei Ling workshop without a vision of its own. To where they are now, a place where barbie continues to surge after divorcing Mattel at their long and fruitful marriage.

I feel empowered after seeing the people move on and remain positve without carrying any negative emotions.I the people of Flint can learn from Mei ling’s resilience in how to rebound and transition into new town.